Sunday, June 22, 2008


June 24th, TUESDAY, 6:00PM- There have been about 175 individual fires from the recent LIGHTNING STORM. The The two major fires that are being managed with state/federal assistance from HAYFORK FAIRGROUNDS and JUNCTION CITY .





Our Volunteer Fire Fighters have been going night and day, now assisted by the STATE and FEDERAL FIRE RESOURCES that are now being managed by and drawn into the county.

USFS FIRE INFO RECORDING (Redding) : (530) 226-2500 (option#2)
USFS FIRE INFO OFFICE Redding: (530) 226-2368
IRON COMPLEX FIRE INFO Hayfork: (530) 623-6415
LIME COMPLEX FIRE INFO Junction City: (530) 628-4392

Trinity County Sheriff- Weaverville: (530) 623-2611
USFS Ranger Station at Weaverville- (530) 623-2121 for view of smokey sky at Weaverville and FOREST FIRE INFO on the index of the website.

Greg Greenwood
in Smokey Weaverville...


Anonymous said...

little to no info....we are in Lewiston between the access road and the bucktail access road....very smoky and we have had the scanner up.....but its anybody's guess as to what is going on

rox said...

Milt Mortensen called and said fire is 1/4 mile away from the Mortensen campground down Southfork of the Trinity River above the county road between Monroe Creek and Big Creek moving toward Big Creek. He is currently placing sprinklers on his house and barn. Dixie Mortensen's home is behind his. Help would be appreciated. If you can please help. Thank you, my prayers are with you as my heart belongs to Hyampom and its people. Rox

rox said...

Milt Mortensen said fire is now to Big Creek going toward Lake Mountain. No one on it yet. Rox
500 people sitting at Hayfork waiting for orders to go. Big fire other side of Pattersen Peak (east)and Hayfork Balley.
As always, people have rallied to help. Love you all, Rox.

Anonymous said...


NO DELAY, instant posting.

rbm said...

Ironside fire is nearly to the bottom of the mountain at Burnt Ranch falls, below Burnt Ranch store, It could cross the river at any time. No crew on site. Two large puffs of smoke ignited from the other side of Ironside mountain. Lime fire creeping down underwood mountain. As of yesterday afternoon it was burning on both side of underwood mountain road six miles from Burnt Ranch.

Anonymous said...

10:00 pm, Wednesday, 6/25- Active FIRE both sides of road near HELENA, West of Junction City. Deputies notifying residents up East Fork, Helena, Bigfoot Campground and Canyon Lodge. High wind speed reported in Trinity River Canyon, pushing the fire.

Unknown said...

Any news on the Ziegler Fire threatening Hawkins Bar?

Anonymous said... is a great site for imformation,waited all night for update on iron complex from forest service,its 12:30 am the 27th still has there imformation for update on there site,so what happened to forest service.dont get wrong think all fire fighters doing a great job just have doubts about management only watching fires.i live in big bar on north side of river right of highway 299 closed 7 or 8 miles out in either direction fires or east n west of us,on our side of road but no information about us are how close fires are direction burning.further more theres no new maps of iron complex fire,never been one on forest service site is for all other fires and there updated,think everyone in these towns should have this imformation,even more so if they have to leave n theres no way out seeing fires toi east n west burning along highway n cant go over mountain because lime fire,maybe whole town of big bar big flat n del loma be spending there time in the river soon,hope it doesnt come to that

rbm said...

I heard yesterday,that the forest service plan is to close off Denny road, (all people need to have provisions for at least 3 days) They are going to try to set the fire line at Denny road. If it jumps that line, the unofficial word is that 299 will likely be the new fire line. The ultimate goal is to prevent Iron complex from joining with the lime fire.

Anonymous said...

Brandon with the La Grande, Oregon Hotshots: your mom and dad are thinking of you; you guys be careful out there...

Unknown said...

Thanks for comment re: Ziegler Fire @ Denny Rd. So I read that as, "If the fire jumps the Denny Rd. they will do structure protection in Trinity Village and Hawkins Bar and try to hold the fire on the north side of 299."

Am I off-base on that?

rbm said...

You're right on base. Although like I said, this was an unofficial statement from someone who is married to a Cal-fire captain who works on the coast. Hopefully the Denny rd. line will hold up and we wont' have to worry about structure protection and setting the line at 299.

Unknown said...

Thanks RBM. Please keep us posted on that fire if you get more information.


Anonymous said...

Virgil Leroy Hall is missing in the Deerlick Springs area. He left his home Monday in Ferndale on the coast of Humboldt county to see if friends needed assistance with the evacuation of Deerlick Springs, California, an area in the hills behind Platina. He had planned on camping for 1-2 nights, sleeping in his truck and helping packing or with the evacuation of Deerlick. He still had not returned by Thursday morning causing much concern for his family. The friends were finally contacted Friday by the family. The friends stated they had left the area early Monday morning by the Harrison Gultch Road, and had not seen him at that time. He would have been traveling on the Upper Road from Wildwood and they wouldn’t have passed each other. Also he would not have arrived until Monday afternoon, probably missing them on the roads. After calling hospital emergency rooms in Trinity and Shasta county, family made a missing person report on Friday for Mr. Hall to Humboldt County Sheriff Department. The Trinity county fire dispatch was also notified that their may be a missing person stranded in the Deerlick Springs area. Saturday the family was informed by Humboldt County Sheriff Office that when a missing person report is filed the information is put in a database and no one actually goes out to search for them. The information is there for use only if they stop someone or run a check of their vehicle. Saturday morning Mrs. Hall called Trinity County Sheriff office and asked for a welfare check of Mr. Hall at Deerlick Springs, and was informed by the on call officer that they were too understaffed to go out immediately and see if he was injured due to the high volume of calls from the fire.
The situation with Mr. Hall is very concerning as he is a diabetic. Mr. Hall only took food and medicine for a few days and by this time would have run out of both. Being a diabetic he may be having blood sugar problems and this could further complicate the situation. There has been no activity on his bank accounts and credit cards or other signs that would lead someone to believe he is not in the Deerlick Springs area. The area is remote enough to have no phone service and Mr. Hall does not have a cell phone with him. In any case there would be no service available in that area. At this time, no official agency is actively searching for Mr. Hall, and with the road closures the family is not able to go and do their own searching.
The family requests if you have any information on Mr. Hall’s whereabouts, please contact them at 707-407-6359 or 707-786-9119. Email to Any information would be greatly appreciated.

rbm said...

My dad drove up underwood mt. rd this morning to check on the status of the fire that has been creeping down the mountain. It does not appear to be a threat to Burnt Ranch at this time. They've bulldozed parts of the road, the fire seems to be smoldering, but not active. No new news on Ziegler fire at this time. Good Luck to the Hall family, you're in my thoughts at prayers.

oldtimer said...

RELATING TO POST about: Missing Person in active fire area - VIRGIL LEROY HALL is a White Male Adult in his 60s. He is driving a DARK BLUE 1999 GMC Sonora Truck with EXTENDED CAB. Vigil is DIABETIC and may not be feeling well. See earlier post on this fire blog for details.

Anonymous said...

well the alps fires above ranches,should be important to it hit ranch up french creek last night owners put out fires all night on there property.and what east of there about 4 miles the town of big bar,hopefully there watching this closely its not contained at all n seems only a few small crews there

Anonymous said...

i also so smoke bout a mile out of big flat south side river,look like a new start.i informed forest service they were like well it burned there once already,but no ones watching it n isnt that how the fire jumped the river the last time no one watching,but forest service man did say he d look at it he was from big bar station

Anonymous said...

now the lil wisp of smoke that i told the forest about yesterday n nothing was done bout putting it out is now the whole mountain on fire n within bout 1 mile of big flat maybe less n still i see no one watching to see if it starts a fire on the north side of river,wonder if they call it job security

Anonymous said...

well just got back from coast n way back theres a fire 4 miles west of del loma on north side of 299 going ina east direction uphill n another two mile west of del loma doing the same,saw one fire crew on 299 2 miles out,also down before burnt ranch after rest area fires are real close to river no forest service in sight,saw another one coming back out of burnt ranch looked like on south side of river whole mountain on fire but was hard to tell

Anonymous said...

hey everyone thanks for all the updates--we aren't getting much from the official fire websites and nothing from inciweb--please put the date you post so we know how recent the info is---Thanks
newriver residents --- Walt & Sooz

Thursday July3

Unknown said...

Hey Walt, how's it looking along New River? We've got a place in Trinity Village we're concerned about. Sounds like they're working hard to keep the fire on the other side of Denny Road. Hopefully it's not threatening your place.


Anonymous said...

Fire has burned down backside of Ironside toward south side of New River between 5 waters and Hoboken-crews hope to keep it from crossing the river but that's some rugged country with poor access. Structure protection crews have been contacting residents and scoping things out in Dailey Ranch area in case fire crosses the river. They said they would remain in the vicinity for at least a couple days but who knows given the limited resources.

Unknown said...

Whats the air quality like today? 7-4-08

Unknown said...

Trinity Village under voluntary evacuation as of noon 7/8.

Anonymous said...

Have house in the village, and pulled out various equipment etc., yesterday 7/8/08. At 5;00 p.m. the smoke was as thick as I've seen it, and neighbors were loading trailers.......I'm contacting USFS...will they let able-bodied people volunteer to build line?

Unknown said...

I think you'd be better off cutting a good line around your property. We've done some but I don't think nearly enough. Hopefully it's a ground fire...then we'd have a chance. If it's torching the trees, which I'm sure it is considering the current weather conditions, we've got live oaks too close to the house that will go up like a roman candle...and that'll do in the house I'm sure. Hopefully the line they're building holds.

digdil said...

Smoke in Salyer this AM, so thick you coudn't see over 100 ft, it's lifted now and is just like everywhere else. Really strange.

rbm said...

The fires are out of control tonight. The cedar fire is producing large flames and black puffs of smoke. The ironside fires is down to the river across from underwood mountain rd. There are numerous cars parked and a lot of people watching the fire to see if it will threaten homes in Burnt Ranch. Zeigler fire is also getting bigger. No word on evacuations so far.

Anonymous said...

We are getting the hell out tonight, can see the fire!!

Unknown said...

what's the difference between an evacuation advisory and a voluntary evacuation? Trinity Village is under a voluntary evacuation as of 11:45 on 7/13.

Unknown said...

I found my answer...

EVACUATION ADVISORY: This is a precautionary notice designed to give residents time to prepare for a possible evacuation. If you have special needs you might want to leave the area until the threat is passed. If you have livestock that needs transporting, you should move the animals.

VOLUNTARY EVACUATION: You are strongly urged to leave the area. If you choose to remain, you should be prepared to take action immediately if the danger approaches.

MANDATORY EVACUATION: You are in jeopardy and should leave the area immediately. If you choose to remain, you may be on your own as emergency personnel likely will not be able to help you.

Unknown said...

For a complete list of evacuations...

Anonymous said...

Rox, Earlier you knew about Milt Mortensen's home. Any word on how him and his home are?

Thank you

Anonymous said...

July 7, 2009

New Lightning Fires in Trinity County. Check Trinitycam Forest Fire Info page.. LINK to INCIWEB and other forest fire Infopages listed.

buy viagra online said...

Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.